Police officers are investigating after a series of offensive messages were spraypainted across the Ardenslate area over the weekend.
Areas targetted by the vandals include Dunoon Grammar School, Dunoon Stadium and the local skate park.
A spokesperson for Police Scotland told this newspaper: “Officers received a report of a number of incidents of offensive graffiti in Dunoon around 7am on Sunday, April, 24. Enquiries are at an early stage and ongoing.
“Officers are liaising with the local authority to have the graffiti removed. Anyone with information which could assist our investigation should call police via 101, quoting incident 0867 of 24 April.”
Dunoon Grammar School was targeted
Nil by Mouth is Scotland’s leading anti-sectarian charity. They regularly work with schools, colleges and employers to help stamp out sectarianism.
Director Dave Scott, said: “It’s thoroughly depressing that someone has chosen to spout their bigotry and hated in such a cowardly way. We should be in no doubt this isn’t street art or some sort of cultural expression.
“It’s ignorant, arrogant hatred. Whoever is behind this hasn’t just committed an act of vandalism but a hate crime and I sincerely hope CVTV footage can be used to identify those involved and they are brought before the criminal justice system.
“I’m particularly furious that a school has been targeted in this way and our charity would be only too willing to visit to talk to pupils and staff about the issue and discuss ways the community can challenge sectarian attitudes and celebrate the diversity of the area.”
More on this story in this week’s edition of the Dunoon Observer.