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Argyll Media Ltd produces two print titles, the Dunoon Observer and Argyllshire Standard and the Isle of Bute News and a website in conjunction with DNG Online Ltd.

The company is an independent publisher based in Dunoon, Argyll producing newspapers which cover the geographical area of Argyll and Bute.

General news, sports and features are the mainstay of the titles, and the newspapers have a hyperlocal stance and are focused on community life in their local areas.

Editorially, the papers take an independent political stance and ensures all political parties and local representatives are included regularly.

The Dunoon Observer and Argyllshire Standard dates from 1971, but the Isle of Bute News is only three years old.

Content for the print titles and website is created and edited at our Dunoon offices by the newsroom team, comprising the editor and two staff reporters. Freelance workers are also used for pictures and some copy. Readers also submit some content, reports, columns and letters.

The papers exist to reflect the aspirations of the people of Cowal and Bute, and wider Argyll.

Not afraid to hold power to account, the papers uphold the traditions of quality local journalism while looking at new ways to reach an audience.

The company has a history of innovation, and we look to our upgraded website to continue that tradition to the benefit of online customers and advertisers.

This is an exciting time and we would welcome any feedback you may wish to give.

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