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David bakes for charity

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By Megan Bonar
David bakes for charity

Friday, June 4

A LOCAL teenager has turned his love for baking into a way to raise much needed funds for a small Kenyan orphanage.

14-year-old David, a pupil at Dunoon Grammar School has been a keen baker since he was about seven or eight – but it was during the recent lockdowns he was able to hone his craft and start selling his goods.

On the last Saturday of each month, David sells cake boxes including favourites such as scones, blueberry muffins and Great Nana’s fruit cake.

David’s Mum Vivienne told this newspaper: “At first, I think people were buying them to help the charity, but then they realised how good David’s baking is and became hooked.

“He wants to become a chef, and I have no doubt that he will achieve that, but baking for charity and being in lockdown has helped him much more confident and outgoing.”

“We now have thirteen regular customers each month which raises around £100 to send to Kenya, this is enough to buy a bowl of rice for all of the children each day for a month.”

Mum, Vivienne and sister, Hannah have also become involved in helping the orphanage, negotiating a donation of free reusable sanitary products from two small businesses to send over to the older girls, as well as teaching them about gardening and how to play hopscotch.

The family became involved with Hilltop Christian Orphanage through a family friend and social media. They have spent a lot of time video chatting to Fabian who runs the orphanage as well as the children who live there.

The orphanage is run by Fabian Ogenga, who grew up in Kenya as an orphan himself, it is currently home to 82 children ranging from four to 17 years old.

Vivienne continued: “It’s definitely changed us a family. We now question do we need that takeaway? It’s made the kids realise how lucky they are.”

The next target is to raise £900 to help the orphanage fund a sustainable garden to allow the children to grow food, and also learn a craft, hopefully before a visit to the orphanage in 2022.

To find out more about David’s effort search David’s Bakes on Facebook.

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