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Local skaters dazzle in Greenock

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By Chris Martin
Argyll and Bute
Local skaters dazzle in Greenock

THREE extremely dedicated young ice skaters from Dunoon took part in a dazzling show in Greenock this month and the experience has solidified their devotion to the sport.

At the Waterfront Leisure Complex in Greenock on December 7 and 8 Hannah McGavin, (16), Willow Melucci, (11) and Orla Mitchell (9) all took to the ice and played their role in bringing the show Arabian Nights to life.

The talented trio were part of a cast of 140 young ice skaters who had been rehearsing for months before the show, which featured beloved characters Aladdin, Jasmine and the Genie.

The three young girls have been committed to their chosen sport for years and have sacrificed many of the conveniences and comforts most youngsters enjoy, but for them its a small price worth paying.

“I was five when I started skating and I really enjoy progressing and learning new moves, it takes up my Saturday’s but I love it so much I don’t mind giving them up for it,” explained Willow.

Hannah who moved to Dunoon from Ayr when she was three also dedicates her weekends training at Greenock’s Waterfront Leisure Complex as does Orla, who was inspired to start ice skating after watching the Winter Olympics a few years ago.

Orla said: “I train four days a week and I really enjoy it because I get to do lots of moves and spend time with my friends. I played the part of the Genie’s child and it was really fun. It was exciting performing in front of an audience.”

Hannah added: This was my fourth ice show, it’s exciting doing a show, it’s nerve wracking but once I’m on the ice I am in heaven. The characters were wonderful, I loved being part of the chorus.”

It’s obvious that all three girls have a great love for ice skating and although living in Dunoon and training in Greenock is a huge committent involving time, travel and expenses the trio are deeply committed and are looking forward to taking part in next year’s show.

Willow said: “The most exciting part of all of this is getting to skate with my friends, it makes me feel really excited, happy and cold. I have an amazing group of friends at ice skating.”

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17th Jan

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By andrew Galloway - Local Democracy Reporter | ArgyllBute24