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BID outlines 2025 plans

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By Darren Adams
Argyll and Bute
BID outlines 2025 plans

AFTER A mixed bag of projects carried out on the island by the Business Improvement District (BID), coordinator DL Gordon has outlined 2025’s objectives for

the organisation.

Under her stewardship, successful projects such as the digital noticeboard installation in Guildford Square were carried out.

However, the organisation was also responsible for the Christmas lights debacle, which left some residents disappointed.

This year, the BID has four main areas of focus:

Business support, facilitation and advocacy

This year’s business support grants will be launched within the first few months of the new year.

They will also be planning a schedule of business networking events around topics that help businesses increase revenue, reduce costs, or navigate new legislation that may affect their sector.

In 2024, the BID refurbished the benches in Guildford Square, put posters on the bins to discourage the feeding of seagulls, and took responsibility for some of the garden maintenance in Rothesay.

In 2025 they will look for further opportunities to improve the physical appearance of Rothesay and Bute.

The al fresco seating at theamphitheatre/bandstand will continue, particularly since this has been shown to benefit the town centre businesses and also provides an important social function.

A new website for Visit Bute was launched in 2024 to promote the island and its attractions to potential visitors.

Along with social media channels, the BID will continue to work to improve their reach and would particularly like to develop their use of the social media app TikTok in 2025. Their collaboration with Visit Scotland and Wild About Argyll & the Isles helps to promote Bute to a wider audience.

The digital noticeboard in Guildford Square is becoming popular for promotion of events on the island and aim is to continue to develop its use.

The advertising banners should also make a return in Spring

DL Gordon added: “I have a particular interest in marketing and will be developing ideas with the Board for off-island promotion of Bute.”


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